IGLTA Accredited™ Criteria

IGLTA Accredited™ status is achieved on evidence of satisfying the 8-criteria assessment.
All information must be present and correct at the time of the audit.


Publicly displayed non-discrimination policy or customer charter

Accreditees must upload a non-discrimination customer charter/statement of intent the includes a clear zero-tolerance policy for sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (SOGIE) discrimination or similar policies. 

This policy must be made public (eg. on the organization’s website and a URL provided).


Staff sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (SOGIE) non-discrimination policy

Accreditees must upload the excerpt from their staff manual or handbook that includes non-discrimination policies that protect LGBTQ+ members of staff. Other verifiable documents could be a staff contract and recruitment advertisements/job descriptions that explicitly state equal opportunities based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (SOGIE).

We understand that in certain countries/regions local laws may not support the requirement of such policies, but in such instances, the company/organization can provide internal policies that protect its LGBTQ+ members of staff.


Complaints, whistleblowing and watchdog procedures

Accreditees must provide the organization’s procedures for approaching, dealing with and remedying any LGBTQ+ customer and staff complaints against the organization.


LGBTQ+ customer champion

Accreditees must provide the contact details of one customer-facing member of staff, assigned as the organization’s LGBTQ+ “champion.” This member of staff will be the person who is the direct customer liaison should there be an LGBTQ+ issue on the property.


LGBTQ+ community support

Accreditees must demonstrate a minimum of two ways in which the organization provides for and gives back to the LGBTQ+ community. Program members can show support for the global or local LGBTQ+ community through giving, in-kind contributions, Pride and community engagement, mentorship and by working with local non-profits. We strongly recommend that organizations consider trans*, women’s, social-mobility/homelessness and mental health, and HIV/AIDs communities and non-profit organizations.


LGBTQ+ inclusive marketing and communications

Accreditees must include one example of LGBTQ+ positive/inclusive marketing and communication practice in the last 24 months, or plans to develop one in the next 12 months.


Third party references

Accreditees must provide one example of positive LGBTQ+ customer reference directly from customers, or third-party peer to peer programs (e.g. Tripadvisor), or provide a reference from a travel agent or a long-standing IGLTA member.


Diversity and sensitivity training

Accreditees must provide LGBTQ+ specific diversity and sensitivity training to their team. It is expected that senior management, heads of department and front-facing hotel staff should be trained, or be part of an ongoing LGBTQ+ professional development program. If your property has not yet undergone LGBTQ+ diversity training, you may want to consider our members that have aligned their training programs to IGLTA Accredited.