IGLTA has published a series of LGBTQ+ travel guides featuring 33 countries around the world. The free online resource is designed to help travelers stay informed and safe during their trip, all while promoting IGLTA member businesses in each destination. Countries represented are both destinations with progressive LGBTQ+ legislation and protections such as Iceland and the Netherlands as well as destinations where LGBTQ+ acceptance is not as widespread including India and Ecuador.
For all its rewards, travel presents additional challenges for the LGBTQ+ community given the wide variations in acceptance, laws and protections around the globe. More than 70 countries have anti-LGBTQ+ laws so it’s particularly important for LGBTQ+ travelers to be properly informed and do additional research on their destination of choice.
How Does This Benefit IGLTA Members?
The main goal of these pages is to drive increased consumer traffic to the IGLTA website providing further exposure for the members that operate in those countries.
Are you a business that offers products and services in multiple destinations? If so, then these travel guides can help promote your business with the option to list multiple locations for your business’s products and services. Associating your business with multiple countries in your profile will allow you to be displayed in more relevant places on the IGLTA website.
The multiple location option is meant to show travelers the locations in which you offer products and services. In other words, these locations are not where your customers or clients come from, but rather destinations where you operate. Including these destinations in your profile will provide more visibility for your business.
Example: Hotels and accommodation options featured in the Brazil travel guide
For example, we offer LGBTQ+ travel guides to Brazil and The United States, but if you don’t update your profile and indicate that your business provides services in those countries, then you will not be featured in the travel guide.
In addition to adding the multiple locations in your profile, you can also promote any events, tours or special offers on our website through your member profile. When you add these events, tours or specials, the location of these listings will also feed into our travel guides, providing even greater exposure for your business to LGBTQ+ travelers planning their trip.
Example: Events featured in the United States travel guide
How Do I Active This Benefit?
Please login and update your profile now.
Need assistance? Click below to read the How-To guides showing you step-by-step how to add multiple locations and events, tours and special offers to your profile.
Multiple Locations How-To Guide
Events, Tours and Special Offers How-To Guide
Have questions? Feel free to contact membership support for assistance: membership@iglta.org